Monthly Archives: January 2015

Публикации на русском языке

Ривз, М. (2016)  След, траектория, точка давления: как переосмыслить “региональные исследования” в эпоху миграции // Антропологический Форум. 2016 №. 1. С 97-116. [пер. с англ. Александры Касаткиной]

Ривс, М. (2014) Антропология Средней Азии через десять лет после «состояния поля» : стакан наполовину полон или наполовину пуст? // Антропологический Форум. 2014 №. 1. С 60-79.

Ривс, М. (2014) Дороги, разъединяющие Кыргызстан и Таджикистан. 24.01.14

Ривз, М. (2013) Как становятся «черными» в Москве: практики власти и существование мигрантов в тени закона // Гражданство и иммиграция: концептуальное, историческое и институциональное измерение / Под ред В. С. Малахова. М: Kanon+. C.146-177. Continue reading

Book Chapters

Reeves, M. (2017) ‘Economies of favour and indifference in Moscow’s temporary housing market’. In David Henig and Nicolette Makovicky, eds., Economies of Favour After Socialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 73-95.

Reeves, M. (2016). ‘Time and contingency in the anthropology of borders: on border as event in rural Central Asia.’ In Tone Bringa and Hege Toje, eds., Eurasian Borderlands: Spatializing Borders in the Aftermath of State Collapse. New York: PalgraveMacmillan, pp. 159-198. 

Reeves, M. (2016). ‘The black list: on infrastructural indeterminacy and its reverberations.’ In Penny Harvey, Casper Bruun Jansen and Atsuro Morita, eds., Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 296-308.

Reeves, M. (2015). ‘In search of tolerantnost’: preventive development and its limits at the Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan border.’ In Marlene Laruelle and Johan Engvall, eds., Kyrgyzstan Beyond ‘Democracy Island’ and ‘Failing State’. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 79-98.

Reeves, M. (2014) ‘Politics, cosmopolitics, and preventive development at the Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan border’. In Nina Glick Schiller and Andrew Irving, eds. Whose Cosmpolitanism? Critical Perspectives, Relationalities, Discontents. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 201-217.

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Reviews and review essays

  • 2015 – Debora Dergousoff. An Institutional Ethnography of Women Entrepreneurs and Post-Soviet Rural Economies in Kyrgyzstan. PhD dissertation, Simon Fraser University, 2014. Dissertation Reviews: Central and Inner Asia1st April.

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Journal Articles

Reeves, M. (2016). ‘”And Our Words Must Be Constructive!” On the Discordances of Glasnost’ in the Central Asian Provincial Press at a Time of Conflict.’ Cahiers d’Asie centrale 26 (1): 77-1

Reeves, M. (2016). ‘Diplomat, Landlord, Con-artist, Thief: Housing Brokers and the Mediation of Risk in Migrant Moscow.’ The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 34 (2): 93-109.

Ривз, М. [Reeves, M.] (2016) Sled, traektoriia, tochka davleniia: kak pereosmyslit’ “regional’nye issledovaniia” v epokhu migratsii [Trace, Trajectory, Pressure Point: Re-imagining ‘Area Studies’ in an Age of Migration]. Антропологический Форум 28 (2016): 97-116.

Reeves, M. (2016) ‘Infrastructural hope: Anticipating ‘independent roads’ and territorial integrity in southern Kyrgyzstan’. Ethnos (online first, no pagination).

Reeves, M. (2015) ‘Living from the nerves: deportability, indeterminacy and the feel of law in migrant Moscow.’ Social Analysis 59 (4): 119-136.

Laszczkowski, M. and Reeves, M. (2015) ‘Introduction: Affective States–Entanglements, Suspensions, Suspicions.’ Social Analysis 59 (4): 1-14  (Special issue on Affective States, co-edited with Mateusz Laszczkowski).

Reeves, M. (2014) “‘We’re with the people!’ Place, nation, and political community in Kyrgyzstan’s 2010 ‘April Events’”. Anthropology of East Europe Review 32 (2): 68-88.

Reeves, M. (2014) ‘Roads of hope and dislocation: infrastructure and the remaking of territory at a Central Asian border’. Ab Imperio 15 (3): 235-256.

Ривс, М. [Reeves, M.] (2014) Антропология Средней Азии через десять лет после «состояния поля» : стакан наполовину полон или наполовину пуст? [The Anthropology of Central Asian a Decade After ‘The State of the Field’: A Cup Half Full or Half Empty?’] Антропологический Форум, 20 (1): 60-79. Available in English here

Reeves, M. (2014) ‘Afterword: Neoliberal Opportunism.’ Anthropology Matters, 15 (1): 141-150.

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Labour and legibility in the Russian migration regime

In 2008 I began work on a postdoctoral research project entitled Black Work, Green Money: Navigating the Bounds of Legal Labour in a Moscow Migrant Community, funded by an RCUK Research Fellowship, a small grant from the Nuffield Foundation and a Gibbs Travelling Fellowship from Newnham College, Cambridge. This project is an ethnographic exploration of the Russian migration regime as it is encountered, negotiated and co-produced by state officials, migration brokers and migrant workers from southern Kyrgyzstan. Continue reading

Short Courses

I have convened or taught on the following short courses:

⋅ ‘Muslims in a Global Context: Central Asia’ (Guest lecturer, Carnegie Mellon ad University of Pittsburgh joint short course, March 2014).

⋅‘The Anthropology of the State’ (Seminar sequence, HESP ReSET Project on Building Anthropology in Eurasia, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, August 2009).
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Border Work in the Ferghana Valley

This project explores the everyday materialisation of new international borders between Kyrgyzstan and its two Ferghana valley neighbours, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. In a context where the territorial and institutional coordinates of state sovereignty are contested, how and when does a border come to materialise in daily life? How do herders, traders, border guards, taxi drivers and others negotiate what and where a border is, and what kinds of mobilities it should filter or limit? How do borders work and get worked when the border is encountered as a ‘chessboard’ rather than a line? I began work for this project for my doctoral dissertation, conducting research in the Isfara valley along the borders of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and the Sokh valley on two sides of the Kyrgyzstan/Uzbekistan boundary in 2004-5. Continue reading

Border Work

Border Work cover-Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia

Cornell University Press series on Culture and Society After Socialism, 2014.

In Central Asia’s Ferghana Valley, where Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan meet, state territoriality has taken on new significance in these states’ second decade of independence, reshaping landscapes and transforming livelihoods in a densely populated, irrigation-dependent region.

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