Reeves, M. (2016). ‘”And Our Words Must Be Constructive!” On the Discordances of Glasnost’ in the Central Asian Provincial Press at a Time of Conflict.’ Cahiers d’Asie centrale 26 (1): 77-1
Reeves, M. (2016). ‘Diplomat, Landlord, Con-artist, Thief: Housing Brokers and the Mediation of Risk in Migrant Moscow.’ The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 34 (2): 93-109.
Ривз, М. [Reeves, M.] (2016) Sled, traektoriia, tochka davleniia: kak pereosmyslit’ “regional’nye issledovaniia” v epokhu migratsii [Trace, Trajectory, Pressure Point: Re-imagining ‘Area Studies’ in an Age of Migration]. Антропологический Форум 28 (2016): 97-116.
Reeves, M. (2016) ‘Infrastructural hope: Anticipating ‘independent roads’ and territorial integrity in southern Kyrgyzstan’. Ethnos (online first, no pagination).
Reeves, M. (2015) ‘Living from the nerves: deportability, indeterminacy and the feel of law in migrant Moscow.’ Social Analysis 59 (4): 119-136.
Laszczkowski, M. and Reeves, M. (2015) ‘Introduction: Affective States–Entanglements, Suspensions, Suspicions.’ Social Analysis 59 (4): 1-14 (Special issue on Affective States, co-edited with Mateusz Laszczkowski).
Reeves, M. (2014) “‘We’re with the people!’ Place, nation, and political community in Kyrgyzstan’s 2010 ‘April Events’”. Anthropology of East Europe Review 32 (2): 68-88.
Reeves, M. (2014) ‘Roads of hope and dislocation: infrastructure and the remaking of territory at a Central Asian border’. Ab Imperio 15 (3): 235-256.
Ривс, М. [Reeves, M.] (2014) Антропология Средней Азии через десять лет после «состояния поля» : стакан наполовину полон или наполовину пуст? [The Anthropology of Central Asian a Decade After ‘The State of the Field’: A Cup Half Full or Half Empty?’] Антропологический Форум, 20 (1): 60-79. Available in English here
Reeves, M. (2014) ‘Afterword: Neoliberal Opportunism.’ Anthropology Matters, 15 (1): 141-150.
Reeves, M. (2013) ‘Clean Fake: Authenticating Documents and Persons in Migrant Moscow’. American Ethnologist, 40 (3): 508-524.
Harvey, P., M. Reeves and E. Ruppert (2013) ‘Anticipating failure: transparency devices and their effects.’ Journal of Cultural Economy, 6 (3): 294-312.
Ривс, М. [Reeves, M.] (2012) ‘Миграция, маскулинность и трансформации социального пространства в долине Соха, Узбекистан’ [Migration, masculinity and transformations in social space in the Sokh valley, Uzbekistan]. Этнографическое обозрение 4: 32-50.
Reeves, M. (2012) ‘Black work, green money: remittances, ritual and domestic economies in southern Kyrgyzstan’. Slavic Review, 71 (1): 108-134.
Reeves, M. (2011) ‘Introduction: contested trajectories and a dynamic approach to place.’ Central Asian Survey, 30 (3-4): 307-330.
Reeves, M. (2011) ‘Staying put? Towards a relational politics of mobility at a time of migration.’ Central Asian Survey, 30 (3-4): 555-576.
Reeves, M. (2011) ‘Fixing the border: on the affective life of the state in Kyrgyzstan’. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29 (5): 905-923.
Reeves, M. (2009) ‘Materialising state space: ‘Creeping migration’ and territorial integrity in Southern Kyrgyzstan’. Europe-Asia Studies, 61 (7): 1277-1313
Ривз, М. [Reeves, M.] (2009) По ту сторону экономического детерминизма: микродинамика миграции из сельского Кыргызстана [Beyond economic determinism: microdynamics of migration from rural Kyrgyzstan] Неприкосновенный запас 4 (66) : 262-280
Reeves, M. (2009) ‘Unstable objects: corpses, checkpoints and “chessboard borders” in the Ferghana valley’. Anthropology of East Europe Review, Vol. 25 (1): 72-84
Reeves, M. (2008) ‘Materializing borders.’ Anthropology News, Vol. 49 (5), May 2008: 12-13
Reeves, M. (2005) ‘Locating danger: konfliktologiia and the search for fixity in the Ferghana Valley borderlands.’ Central Asian Survey, Vol. 24 (1): 67-81
Reeves, M. (2005) ‘Of Credits, Kontrakty and Critical Thinking: Encountering “Market Reforms” in Kyrgyzstani Higher Education.’ European Education Research Journal, Vol.4 (1): 5-21
Reeves, M. (2004) ‘Academic Integrity and its Limits in Kyrgyzstan.’ International Higher Education 35, Autumn 2004: 36-39.