Reviews and review essays

  • 2015 – Debora Dergousoff. An Institutional Ethnography of Women Entrepreneurs and Post-Soviet Rural Economies in Kyrgyzstan. PhD dissertation, Simon Fraser University, 2014. Dissertation Reviews: Central and Inner Asia1st April.

  • 2014 – Akhil Gupta. 2012. Red Tape. Durham: Duke University Press. Anthropological Notebooks XIX (3): 149-150.
  • 2013 – Jarrett Zigon. 2010. Making the New Post-Soviet Person: Moral Experience in Contemporary Moscow. Leiden: Brill Publishers. Slavonica 19 (2): 169-170.
  • 2011 – Magnes Gertten and Elin Johnsson, Long Distance Love (Film Review). Stockholm: Autoimages. Central Asian Survey 30 (3-4): 582-583.
  • 2006 – Sarah Green, Notes from the Balkans. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, Cambridge Anthropology, March 2006: 74-77.


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Madeleine Reeves

About Madeleine Reeves

I came to Social Anthropology through a roundabout route via the study of Social and Political Sciences and Russian history. After working for two years in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and retraining as an anthropologist through an MPhil and PhD at the University of Cambridge I joined the University of Manchester in 2007 as an RCUK Research Fellow in Conflict, Cohesion and Change. In 2012 I joined the Social Anthropology discipline area as a Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology.